How To Overcome The Feeling Of Regret and Move Ahead in Life!
Regret is defined as a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do. You are affected by regret if you keep saying or thinking- "I wish I had done this, I wish I had said that, I wish I had gone there" etc. No matter how perfect your life feels like and no matter how much you try, you must have felt regret at least once in your life or will face a situation in future thanks to some small regrets like "I wish I had chosen strawberry flavor instead of chocolate for my ice cream!" Some major regrets are often in the form of life decisions like education path, career, purchasing/renting a home/vehicle, and yes, choosing a life partner. A video about the regret's meaning analyzed:- The science of regret | Marcel Zeelenberg | TEDxCollegeofEuropeNatolin [Video Link- , TEDx Talks ] Why Regret is ...