International Space Convention 2022- September 9,10,11 - Tbilisi, Georgia (Country)
Know what's happening in Georgia's Space Industry! I didn't know that the Space Industry in the country of Georgia was on the rise. I met Martynas and Nicholas, two of the most inspiring Space professionals in 2021 and came to know about this awesome convention. This year the global space community, its leaders and major players, including representatives from National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), European Space Agency (ESA), and many more will come together in an iconic meeting of minds and gather under one roof in Tbilisi, Georgia to exchange information and ideas, to share developments and advances, to swap insights, strategies, rising trends and to discuss potential development of the newly emerging space industry in Georgia. The International Space Convention will present high-profile representatives from international space agencies, companies, and institutions. ISC 2022 will include several dozens of world-renowned speakers/delegates (top space ag...