Work From Home: Stigma to Necessity

Corona or COVID-19 virus has changed the world. It has changed the way we interact with others, and the way we work.

The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), otherwise known as COVID-19, is an infectious disease first identified in the city of Wuhan, capital of Hubei province in China, after 41 people developed pneumonia without a clear cause. Infections have since been reported around the world. Symptoms include fever, coughing and breathing difficulties.

In the world before this outbreak, people used to be proud of the travel, socializing, parties and such, but now such things are frowned upon. The reason is the invisible nature of the virus and how it acts. A person infected with it will not show the symptoms for a few days and if that person meets others the virus can still infect others. This is the reason why everyone is urging others to stay at home so that the virus doesn't spread "accidentally" by those people unaware of the virus inside their body.

The problem here is that everyone has to work and earn money. People can't reach their offices due to the transport being halted in some countries, and some countries shutting down non essential offices. Now, thanks to the technological advancements, most of the work can be done from home. Even teachers can teach from home thanks to the video conferencing. Factory and other more "traditional" work can't be done though.

We don't know how long this will last, as there's a vaccine yet, and virus containment will take some more time with the cases skyrocketing every day.

There's one thing that has been good about this, and that's the importance of hygiene, and remote working (work from home) being highlighted thanks to the outbreak.

People who used to cringe at "Work From Home" word now are forced to do it.
People who used to make fun of people working from home, now are in the same category.
"Stigma": a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. 

People used to feel shamed for working from home, and those going to office just made it worse. 
Coding community, software engineers, authors, and other business people used to do "Work From Home" even before it was trendy or necessary.

This all teaches us the fact that anything's possible in the world. No profession or way of work is good or bad. It's often the result of situations and necessity.

When the outbreak will be over thanks to vaccination, I am sure that people will start going to the offices, but they will be extra careful about hygiene. Offices will be implementing technology wherever possible to save time, fuel, and increase the productivity.

Some things definitely can't be done from home and need the professional to be at the workplace, and  some things are better done from home to avoid unnecessary expenses or use of natural resources. That's what makes everyone equally important.

The world is about co-existence and balance of all sorts of work force. Everyone and every profession deserving equal amount of respect for their hard work.

Stay Safe and Stay at Home.

Get the OFFICIAL information about COVID-19 from WHO :

Cleveland Clinic:

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